24 DECEMBER 1853, page 10

The Late Cabinet Councils Have Been Remarkable For The...

of the s ittings. At the meeting on Saturday, the Council sat four hours • at the meeting on Thursday, the Council sat five hours and a half. Lord L oa th : mile was not present......

A Telegraphic Despatch From Trieste, Imparting A Brief...

the contents of the overland mail from India and China, arrived in town last - night. The latest dates are from Hongkong the 11th, and Bombay the '28th November. "Accounts from......

Vice-chancellor Sir W. P. Wood Granted, Yesterday, An...

re- strain the Reverend Francis Morse from performing divine service in the church of St. Mary Shrewsbury, or from reading the Articles therein, or doing any act by virtue of......


SATURDAY. A week has passed without any apparent progress in appointing a suc- cessor to Lord Palmerston in the Home Office. At the close of last week it was anticipated that......

The Week Before Christmas Is Always A Dull One, And

Mark Lane seldom forms an exception to the rule, _There was, however, a pretty fair at- tendance yesterday, and a large amount of business would have been transacted had prices......

A Number Of Telegraphic Despatches Are Published This...

St. Petersburg we have an illustration of the complacency with which the Emperor Nicholas looks upon his naval success, in the shape of an autograph letter to Prince......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FIUDAT Ai ryas 00E. The tone of the foreign intelligence this week regarding the Turkish ques- tion has not been of a pacific nature, and opinion daily becomes......

The Annual Report Of The Secretary Of The Treasury, Mr.

Guthrie, had been printed. It derives its main interest from the fact that it propounds the Government plan for the revision of the tariff In the first place, the list of free......

A Deputation From The. Town-council Of Windsor Waited...

Ecclesiastical Commissioners on Thursday, to complain of certain mis- -appropriation of the revenues of the Chapel Royal of St. George at Wind.- eor. Mr. Darvill, as the......

A Correspondent Who Shares Use Vexation At The Obtrusive Bad

taste of the Challis Statue project, points out some contrasts in the amount s subscribed to that compulsory fund and to the voluntary Newton fund, Lord John Russell, who thinks......