24 DECEMBER 1948, page 15

State Versus School Sir, I Appreciate Dr. Happold's Point Of

view, for in certain respects our ideas are complementary rather than contradictory. I differ from him because I see little hope of the universities accepting the policy that he......

- Letters To The Editor

UNIVERSITY AWARDS Sin,—In criticising the numbers in the report of the working party on university awards, "Cambridge Tutor " is being unfair. The working party stressed that......

A Free Nations Pact -

Snt,—My friend Mr. Arnold-Forster mistook the aim of my letter (in The Spectator of November 26th) when he supposed that I wished to circumvent a basic principle of the United......

Recognising Franco

Sm,—It must be quite twelve years now since you published a letter of mine in The Spectator in which I predicted that, in Spain, Franco had come to stay. Those who recall the......

Sta,—may I Correct A Mis-statement In The Article On...

Awards? The proposal of the working party was not " to set up a central clearing- house for state scholars " only, but for all applicants for entrance to universities. The......