24 FEBRUARY 1866, page 3

The Pall Mall Gazette Quotes The Following From The...

there is a ball more or lea at Bucking- ham Palace, or a levee the fewer at St. James's, is, we need scarcely say, a matter of utter indifference to 999 out of every 1,000......

On The 5th Inst. A Treaty Of Offensive And Defensive

alliance was signed between Chili and Peru, and ten days later the latter power declared war on Spain. The combined Republics are said to have four iron-clads, one of which is......

On Saturday Last, Owing To The Proposal Of Government To

suspend the Habeas Corpus Act in Ireland, a fall of one-quarter per cent. took place in the value of Consols, the quotation for money having declined to 871. The fall, however,......

Fenianism Is Dangerous Enough In All Conscience, But Earl...

has faced a rebellion before now, and ought to know batter than to talk such raw-head-and-bloody-bones rubbish as he did on Saturday evening. "At these metiugs the Fenians hold......

The Cattle-plague Returns Are Again Bad, The Increase Of...

in the week being 1,400, and the total number 18,001. Letters are published every day affirming or denying the value of Mr. Worms' treatment with large doses of asafoetida, and......

Yesterday And On Friday Week The Leading Foreign...

off at the annexed quotations :— Friday, Feb. 10. .• 111 .. .. — • • 291 • . 271 •• 15 • . .. 70 .. •. 661 8 081 Friday, Feb. 23. ▪ 14 • 33 • 27 16 09 • 66 •• Greek Do. Coupons......

The Closing Prices Of The Leading British Railways...

on Friday week were :— Caledonian .. .• •• Great Eaatern Great Northern Great Western. • .. .• Do. West Midland, Oxford Lancashire and Yorkshire London and Brighton .. •• London......

A New Scheme For Relieving The Pressure On London Has

been started, in the shape of a Company, with a capital of a :million,—the Suburban Village Company, —who propose to -erect suburban villages for all classes, carefully......

Mr. Hughes Seems To Have Taken Up His Position As

a metro- politan member with considerable success. He wants to secure compensation to poor tenants evicted by the railways, and by dint of opposing every company which refuses......

Mr. Cardwell's Bill Confirming The Transfer Of...

Jamaica from the Aksembly to the Queen was read on Thurs- day a second time. When passed a new constitution like that of Ceylon and Trinidad will be octroye by an Order in......

We Hasten To Correct Two Errors In The List Of

directors in the 'House of Commons which appeared in the Spectator of last week. Mr. J. Ormsby Gore is a director of three railway companies, and not of three financial......

The Weekly Returns Of The Banks Of England And France

see very favourable, and a reduction has been made in the rates -of discount both in London and Paris. The official minimum here is now seven, or a fall of one per cent. ; and......

'we Do Not Mind Admitting There Is One Obscure Contributor

who looks anything but dyspeptic—as hungry as a wolf—and does wear an eye- glass, and most of our contributors try to think a little now and then. But hard as they try, none of......