24 JANUARY 1852, page 12

The National Defences.

"BEWARE of shams," would be no inappropriate standing motto for a public instructor of honest John Bull ; but there are certain seasons when it becomes especially necessary to......

New Assault On The Quarantine System.

THE Autocrat of all the French, it is said . , has decreed that the Lazaretto of Marseilles be sold, and docks substituted in its place ; and it is not a very extravagant......

First And Second Thoughts In Lom]iard Street About Louis...

Loris NAPOLEON is generally well liked in the City, a favourite in the Money-market especially, and in Lombard Street—that is, with the great capitalists—an absolute pet. The......

Constitutional Housewifery.

LOAD DERBY, Lord Palmerston, and Mr. Disraeli—such is the last "combination" suggested by rumour! How impossible it seems for the choice of her Majesty the Queen to escape from......