24 JANUARY 1891, page 16


TO PAUL, EIGHTEEN MONTHS OLD. WHAT am I to sing of you, Sturdy, fat, and rosy Paul ? Pit-a-pat you toddle through Every room with footsteps small, Like a sailor on the ocean,......

Feline Sagacity.

[To Tau ED2TOP. OF me " SIR,—A very much petted eat of mine, aged ten, was with me while sewing lately. She had seated herself on a portion of the calico which was before me on......

The Oldest Records.

r.To Till EDITOR OP THE " BFECTATOri,"1 your interesting article, "A Word for the Anti- quarians," you justly remark upon the slowness of rich men to engage in those researches......

Charles Keene.

[To THE . LIDITOIL OP THE " BPECTATOrt,"i have read with much interest your appreciative article upon the humorist of the pencil, and do not think you are chargeable with the......

Foreign Languages At The Post Office.

[To THE EDITOR OF TUE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I think I can cap the story which " Canonicus " tells in the Spectator of January 17th; and show, too, that whatever may be the case in......