24 JUNE 1893, page 13

T He Better Way Of Assisting School .children. (swan...

Co.) — We have here a Report made to the Council of the Charity Organisation Society by a Special Committee. It gives a highly interesting view of some difficult questions.......

Revelation And The Bible. By Robert F. Horton, M.a. (t.

Fisher Ilnwin.)—Mr. Horton's courage and candour in making this "attempt at reconstruction," to use his own description of his work, are worthy of the highest praise. He......

• The Great Poets' Birthday Album. With Preface By Violet

Hunt. (Eyre and Spoitiswoode )—We have to add "out of copyright," to make the selection of the twelve intelligible. Else why Mrs. Hemans and not Lord Tennyson P Even then, why......

The Reputation Of George Saxon, And Other Stories. By Morley

Roberts. (Cassell and Co.)—There is some power in these eleven stories. In the first, which gives a name to the volume, a certain George Saxon makes a reputation by taking the......

The Vicar Of Ellismond. By William Dancer. (digby, Long, And

Co.)—The world to which Mr. Dancer introduces us is not altogether like to the world which we know, but has distinct advantages over it. There are bad people in it, we regret to......

Home-life And Letters Of Mrs. Ellis. Compiled By Her Nieces.

(Nisbet and Co.) — Mrs. Ellis's books, "The Women of England," with others of similar titles and on branches of the same subject, were highly popular a generation ago. They are......

Pueris Reverentia. By The Author Of "the Fight At Dame

Europa's School." (Brown, Salisbury.)—Mr. Fiddlebags, an assist- ant-master at a great school which is here called " Switchamt sends up one Charlie Tremlett, for a flogging.......

With Russian Pilgrims. By Alexander A. Boddy. (wells...

and Co.)—Mr. Boddy, who is a North-country clergyman, paid a visit to the Arctic Sea, to Archangel, and to the Monastery of Solovetsk, and other famous spots. He has some- thing......

Interviews. By Raymond Blathwayt. (a. W. Hall.)—mr....

art of interviewing to a high pitch of per- fection. Apparently, he studies the special subject of every celebrity with whom he converses, just as an advocate gets up scientific......

Through Thick And Thin. By Margery Hollis. 3 Vols. (bentley

and Son.)—This is a novel of no little merit. The heroine, with her resolute will and steadfast forgetfulness of self, is a fine study, and the minor character of the weak......

The Student's Guide To The University Of Cambridge....

and Co., Cambridge ; Bell and Sons, London.)—This handbook has been, in a considerable degree, rewritten and generally brought up to date. It gives information about University......

The Book-lover. By James Baldwin. (g. P. Putnam's Sons.)—...

"guide to the best reading" is drawn up with knowledge, care, and good-sense. Mr. Baldwin knows what he is talking about, and can give good advice as to what a student should......

The Handy-book Of Spelling. By F. W. Harding. (biggs And

Co.)—Mr. Harding has collected a number of special words. His lists will be found useful by those who want to test themselves or others. But how does he propose to spell "......

Books In Chains. By The Late William Blades. (elliot Stock.)

—In this volume, one of the "Book-Lovers' Library," Mr. H. Wheatley, editor of the series, prefixes a bibliographical introduc- tion on the work of Mr. Blades, one of the ablest......

A Little Minx. By Ada Cambridge. (w. Heinemann.)—the...

twice, with unsatisfactory results, a bride, and apparently is about to find happiness with her third husband, when a lurch of the ship, of which he is the captain, hurls her......

An Heir To Millions. By Edgar Fawcett. (sampson Low,...

and Co.)—The "Heir" is not a very interesting person, except so far as the owner of enormous wealth is bound to be interest- ing. The theorist, who starts with great schemes for......