24 MARCH 1866, page 3

Of Some Of The Sermons Which Messrs. Bouverie, Bright, And

Co. may have heard, if they availed themselves of the delay decreed, we have spoken elsewhere. The only one reported which .did not " whittle away " the idea of humiliation......

The Bank Of France Return Is Very Favourable, The Supply

of bullion having been augmented to the extent of 900,0001., whilst bills discounted show a decrease of 1,947,0001. The Paris rate has been reduced 3i per cent.......

Mr. Cowper Introduced On Tuesday A Very Good Bill For

the preservation of the commons round London, of whieh ' within, a .radius of fifteen miles, there are 180-10,500 acres in all. The Bill renews the existing provision giving......

J. W. Leigh, Twenty-seven Years Of Age, A "remarkably Keen,

determined-looking man, with an expressive cast of countenance," was sentenced, to death on Thursday at Lewes. He had killed his sister-in-law, Harriet Horton, for calling him a......

Intimidation Is Likely To Be Pretty Extensively Used If The

Reform Thursday by 101 to 70' ordered Mr. Cowper to admit all the best . Bill passes, and may require special legislation. Altogether the architects. We wonder how much work Mr.......

Sir, James Wilde Has Decided That A Mormon, Miteriage Is

no marriage in an English.. Divorce Court. That Court proceeds tile theory of Christian marriage, and cannot recognize &contract which involves the right of polygamy. If it......

The Directors Of The Suburban Village And General...

have announced the closing of the share list this day for London, and on Monday next for the country.......

The Closing Pricer Of The. Leading Britiab. Railways...

on Friday week were as under Caledonian Great Eastern Great. Northern Great Western. . • .. Do. W est Midland, Oxford Lancashire and Yorkshire London and Brighton Lcndou and......

Home Securities Have Continued Very Inactive During The...

prices have declined. On Saturday last Consols left off at 871 f for money, and 871 1 for account. Yesterday the closing quotations were :—For transfer, 861 1 ; for time, 861,......

A Bill Has Been Introduced Into Congress To Enforce Treaty

of copyright with Great Britain, and. every author of eminence in America has signed a, petition in its favour. They see at last, whatever the Protectionists may do, that......

Tuesday, The Lamination Day, Was A Greater Humiliation To...

House of Commons on Monday night than on. the subsequent morning itself: 4. bitter little deb* spraug up. on Mr. Glad- stone's motion fig putting off the meeting of the. Select......

Yesterday And On Friday Week The Leading Foreign...

off at the annexed quotations :- Friday, March 16. Friday, March 23. Mexican .. .. Spaniel' Passive •• .. • . Do. Certificates .. .. Turkish 8 per Ceuta., 1853.. . 1882, .......

An Admirable Idea Has This Week Been Embodied In The

shape of an " Operatives' Housebuilding Company, Limited." It is that the occupants of the bloelas —all to be built for the present in the most thickly populated......