24 MAY 1834, page 6


Mr. O'Connell has written &letter to the editor of the Dublin Pilot, partly on the subject of the local interests of his constituents, and partly to contradict a false report of......

The Journeymen Tailors Have Resolved To Return To Their Work

en Monday. " Wisdom," says the Morniny Chronicle, " conies ssith the lack of food." So numerous are the omnibuses which now run in about Lsndon, that the mileage duty alone......

Els Country.

There was a very stormy meeting of the agriculturists of East Kent on Monday last, at Barham Downs, near Canterbury, for the purpose of petitioning Parliament on the subject of......

A Meeting Of Gentlemen Connected With The Landed...

the cowries of Kent, Essex, Stirry, Sussex, and Devon, took place on Weduesday, itt Bross n's (;uffechuuse, Palace Yard, for the purpose of adopt ilig resolutions against Lord......