24 MAY 1834, page 8

The Abli6 De La Mennais—despairing Of Legitimacy, And...

Juste Milieu—is throwing himself into the Republican arms. A short time ago he went to Rome, having been censured by the Pope; but he submitted, and was received into the bosom......

The Synod Of Lothian Have Refused To Certify Mr. Home

as an Elder to the Assembly, on the ground of his not observing finnily wor- ship. This new rule is now brought into exercise from the late teal infused into the Church by its......


SATURDAY NIGHT. An individual who saw LAFAYETTE upon his deathbed, and tried to gather from him some of his latest opinions on men and things, states that the dying old General......

It Was Mentioned Some Time Ago In The House Of

Commons, th t French wine might be drunk in England for a shilling a bottle ; at some of the Members brayed. Particular inquiries have been made in consequence in France ; and......

Ifif Manta Fig.

In a petition debate in the House of Peers, on Thursday, it was openly avowed by the Duke of Wellington and others of his party, that the only true Christianity was that......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths..

III RT HS. On the 15th inst., at Great 'fenny, near Sudbury, the Lady of the Hon. and Rev, CHARLEs DUNDAS, or a daughter. On the thou, Mat., at No. 3, Great Cumberland Street,......