24 MAY 1851, page 9

Excellent Accounts Have Been Received From The Canterbury...

in New Zealand,—a despatch from Mr. Godley, agent to the Asso- ciation, dated on the 6th of January, with various enclosures, by the co- lonists and their representatives. The......


SATURDAY. The debates of the House of Commons in Committee on the Ecclesi- astical Titles Bill, last night, had but little interest. A motion by Mr. The debates of the House of......

Ttratrrs And Zusir.

The scene of excitement in Her Majesty's Theatre on Tuesday even- ing, at the performance of Fidelie brought freshly into our memory the still greater excitement within the same......

In The Arches Court;yesterday, Sir Herbert Jenner Fust...

in the case of Madan versus Karr; a suit promoted by the Vicar of Cam, after inquiry instituted by order of the Bishop, against the Vicar of Berkeley, as lately reported in the......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY Arrzaaoos. A more than usual degree of activity has this week been apparent in the English Stock Market, and the price of Consols has advanced from 1 to 1......