24 NOVEMBER 1950, page 34

The Ethics Of Gambling

Sta.—The opposition of the Free Churches to gambling in any shape or form is not based upon any spoil-sport attitude ; still less is it due to bigotry or the " fanaticism"......

We Never Know When Our Days Will Suddenly Be Enlightened

by one of the smaller miracles of life. I went out on to the southward-looki ng terrace of my hillAop home this morning to watch the sunrise. After a savage day and Might of......

Stk — In Your Issue Of November 17th You Print A Letter

from a gentleman In a vicarage who says that a Conservative Prime Minister in 1935 subordinated, on the eve of a General Election, national to party interests, avowing in......

Advice To Bird-watchers

I always keep a pair of opera glasses (I've had them for forty years) standing on the window-ledge, ready to be snatched up instantly. They serve me well, and I am reluctant to......

Setting Things In Motion

Since I cut down a quince tree (a carrier of rust) on my ground some months ago, I have been astonished by the process of change which I then set in motion. First, the free......

In The Garden

Personal temperaments of owners and makers show in gardens as , vividly as in clothes, choice of food, and the arts. And where the control is shared, some compromise is always......

A Dumas Novel

should like to call your attention to a misprint in my review of Mr. Craig Bell's Alexandre Dumas. The novel of middle-class life to which I referred is called Black. This......