24 OCTOBER 1908, page 14

The Selection Of Parliamentary Candidates.

(To THE EDITOR Or Till SPECTATOR."] SIR, — In your issue of the 17th inst. your correspondent signing himself " Conservative " makes an attack upon those responsible for the......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]

SIE,—Unlike your correspondent " Conservative " in last week's issue, I cannot claim to be "one who has had great experience of political affairs in every shape and form." I do,......

The Unemployed Woman Among The Well-to-do.

rTO TEL EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Snt,—I think an older woman would have very little difficulty in answering the letter of your charming and obviously young correspondent "S.......

The "american Woman."

[To THE EDITOR OF TEL " SFECTATOR."1 SIE,—I was disgusted to read in your paper the two letters signed Andrew Macphail. That you should not only publish, but go out of your way......