24 OCTOBER 1908, page 25

The Quarterlies.

Trim most important question of current politics is discussed in the Edinburgh in "The New Era in Turkey." The article was, of course, written before the latest development took......

Readable Novnui.—the Governors. By E. Phillips Oppenheim....

Co. 6s.)—A tale of American life as it is influenced by the Trusts and high finance.—The House of the Crickets. By Katharine Tynan. (Smith, Elder, and Co. 6s.)— A story of an......

An Austrian Diplomatist In The Fifties. By The Right Hon.

Sir Ernest Satow. (Cambridge University Press, Is. 6d. net.)— Hero we have the "Redo Lecture," delivered on June 13th last. It is founded on Hiibner's "Souvenirs d'un......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading we notice such Books of the weak as have not bean reserved for review in other forms.] John Stows Survey of the City of London. With Introduc- tion and Notes......