24 OCTOBER 1914, page 1

If The Germans Had Won And Had Entered Warsaw, They

would not have conquered Russia, or, indeed, made it in the least likely that they would ever do so. Nevertheless a tremor would have run round the world because of the......

News Of The Week.

T HE first thing to note this week is the well-marked general improvement in the situation. We must begin by looking east. There the position has been enormously improved by the......

What Are The Germans To Do Next P They Cannot,

or rather dare not, go back to Germany, and if they make another attempt to take Warsaw they must first improve the position by getting further reinforcements. But these they......

What Appears To Iiave Happened Outside Warsaw Is...

Friday's telegram to the Times from Petrograd. The Germans tried a great flanking movement, but, instead, were themselves outflanked. It was here that prisoners are reported to......

In The Western Theatre Of The War Great Movements Have

been going on which have won for themselves the name of the coast battle. Strange as it may sound, it appears that as soon as Antwerp was taken, and the inevitable State parade......

A Reuter Telegram Dated Warsaw, October 21st, And Pub-...

on Friday, is an indication of the nature of the defeat. It runs as follows : "Numerous parties of German prisoners are continually being brought in here. Among them is a......

The Germans, As We Write, Have Got As Far As

Nieuport, which is, roughly, south-west of Ostend. There they have come into the " sphere of influence " of eleven British vessels, including three river monitors bought by the......

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