25 DECEMBER 1830, page 15

Church Property.

TO TUB EDITOR OP TILE SPECTATOR. Sra—The property of the Church might be !reduced, without. injuty to the actual incumbents, by giving them perpetuai. annuitios equal ía value......


RUSSIA.—PoLowos, the editor of the Moscow Telegraph, has just completed his " History of Russia," which is to extend to twelve octavo volumes. This writer has successfully......

There Is One Book This Week Which Deserves A Place

among the genuine Eastern novels—we mean the Continuation of the Kuzzil- push, Mr. FRAZER'S Perstan Adventurer.' It is Curious, that of three romances before us, all turn upon......

We Formerly Spoke Highly Of Lieutenant Shipp's...

had been much amused by them, and because we be- lieve that writing people are very fond of doing folks. It is a very common case for men to despise their own instrument ; and......

Fine Arts.

PANORAIIIA OF QUEBEC, LEICESTER SQUARE. WE have been highly gratified with this panorama, which is one of the must pleasing, and by no means one of the least interesting......

Royal Society,

Thursday, December 23, J. W. LUBBOCK, Esq. V. P. and Treasurer, in the Chair. James Smith, Esq. of Jordan Hill, Glasgow, was elected a, Fellow of the Society. Presents......