25 JANUARY 1868, page 1

The Emperor Of Austria On The 20th Inst. Received The

"Delega- tions " of the Hungarian Diet and of the Austrian Reichsrath, who professed unbounded loyalty, and promised to co-operate heartily with each other. These " Delegations......

On Wednesday Mr. Lowe Made A Very Brilliant Speech—...

reported in the Times of Friday, and not apparently by telegraph—in Liverpool, on middle-class education. He remarked Mr. Lowe,—then, that would be the way to make them rise......

With Regard To Irish Policy Or No-policy, We Have Discussed

Lord Stanley's speech elsewhere. We must not, however, neglect to record his emphatic declaration on repeal or independence,—that " we will not allow the British Empire to be......

The Bishop Of Capetown Intends To Have The New Schismatic

Bishop, the Rev. W. K. Macrorie, consecrated to-day. lie is not in any way deterred by a very manly and courteous expostulation from the Bishop of London, who has declared his......

Years Ago, Writing On The " Golden Bull" Of India—lord

Can- ning's Proclamation to Native Princes—we ventured to predict that the Indian Government, having given up annexing States, would be forced to begin annexing powers. That......

The French Government Is About, It Is Said, To Issue

a loan. There is a deficit to be made up, the Chassepots must be paid for, there have been " expenses for defence," and the Mexican bond- holders, who are muttering savagely all......

News Of The Week.

L ORD STANLEY made a very able speech at the Bristol Con- servative demonstration on Wednesday,—though his ability was chiefly shown, as regards the future, in the very......