25 MARCH 1876, page 1

It Will Be Remembered That Mr. Disraeli, In Explaining The

Suez- Canal purchase, said it would have been illegal for the Bank of England to advance the £4,000,000 required for the purchase of the shares. Sir Stafford Northeote, however,......

The Most " Burning " Of French Questions, The Proposal

to amnesty the Communists, was brought before both Houses on Tuesday, in the Senate by Victor Hugo, in the Chamber by M.. Respell. The Government in both Houses demanded......

*„,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In...


News Of The Week.

Tr HE Royal Titles Bill has passed through the House of Com- 1 mons, every measure of importance, even the Merchant Shipping Bill, being thrust aside for it. The debate in......

The Great Hope Of The Clericals And Conservatives In France—

a split between M. Gambetta and the Extreme Left—appears to be again postponed. The Deputies of that section have met the Liberal leader, and agreed not to form a separate......

On Thursday, On The Third Reading Of The Bill, Mr.

Gladstone made another strong protest against it, ending with a peroration in which he trusted that the Bill would not prove " a tempting of Providence ;" hoped that " our......

Mr. Disraeli Made An Extraordinary Statement On Thursday...

Cave was sent out to Egypt to report on the condition of the Khedive's finances, and it was understood that his report, when read by her Majesty's Government, would be......

The Irritation Created By Mr. Disraeli's References To...

so considerable, that Mr. Fawcett intends to take once more the sense of the House upon the Queen's Title. He has given notice of an address to the Crown, praying that her......