25 MAY 1918, page 1

For The Allies To Make Any Other Sort Of Peace

than is contem- plated in those words would be both cynicism and material failure. It would be cynicism because we should be false to our principles ; it would be material......

On March 2nd We Wrote An Article Called " A

Moral Test," in which we foresaw that this issue of befriending or abandoning Russia would soon have to be settled. We cannot repeat all our arguments now, but the gist of the......

The Admiralty Announced On Tuesday, As The Result Of Daily

air reconnaissances over the Bruges Canal, that the Zeebrngge entrance was still blocked as it had been on April 23rd. Most of the enemy's submarines and torpedo craft which......

The Official Return Issued On Thursday Gave The Total Losses

of British, Allied, and neutral shipping from all causes in April as 305,102 tons. This is the lowest monthly total recorded since the unrestricted ' U '-boat warfare began. The......

America, He Declared, Would Not Sacrifice " The Helpless,...

Russians " to secure peace. These, of course, are very critical words, because if Great Britain stands by the United States in this matter, the end of the war may still be a......

The Allies On The Western Front During The Past Week

continued to improve their lines by small local attacks, while waiting for the resumption of the German offensive. Early last Sunday morning the Australians attacked on a......

News Of The Week.

O NE of the most important declarations of the war was made by President Wilson at New York last Saturday. It would be well that people here should weigh his words and recognize......

The Paper Shortage.

TO OUR READERS.—The shortage of paper has obliged us to adopt the policy of refusing to allow the " Spectator" to be "on sale or return." All that it is necessary for readers to......