25 MAY 1918, page 15

Readable Novels. —the Rise Of A Star. By Edith Ayrton...

(John Murray. 6s.)—The star is theatrical and Transatlantic. The beginning of the book, while the heroine is still a child, is the most interesting part.—The Smiths in ircr......

The Historical Nights' Entertainment. By Rafael Sabatini....

a few of these sketches are really concerned with crimes committed in the course of a single night, though the inclusion of the others in the same series is colourable. The......

Some Books Of The Week.

{Notice in this column does not necessarily produde subsequent review.] Issues of Faith. By William Temple. (Macmillan and Co. 2s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Temple modestly disclaims......


MEN AND GHOSTS. • Ma. MONHHOUSE'S clever novel is a variant on the autobiographical life-history with which we have become so familiar of late years. The narrator gives us an......

We Congratulate The Venerable Society For Promoting...

the many new ventures they are making, in the way of popularizing the results of Biblical scholarship. Their latest series is one of " Translations of Early Documents Important......

Parterres And Fountains.*

IT is strangely refreshing after nearly four years of war to breathe once more the atmosphere of moss houses, sham cascades, and bogus ruins. Readers and admirers of the works......