25 MAY 1934, page 42


Scottish Banking and Agriculture I SUPPOSE that if one were asked to define the outstanding c haracteristic of British banking at the present day, one would say that it was an......

Liverpool And London And Globe Insurance.

The latest report of the Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company is an excellent one. It is true that the premium income in the Underwriting Department was lower, but......

Sun Insurance.

Most of the Insurance Companies seem to have done well during last year in the matter of Fire profits, and in the case of the Sun Life Assurance Society, the results are ahead......

This Company Has Issued A Very Satisfactory Report...

operations for 1933, - The ; profit from. the Fire account was particularly good, amounting tii£501,64`eoniAred with only .1281,000 in the preVious yearimhile from4heAccident......

Financial Notes

CHEERFUL MARIEE14. THE tone of the Stock Markets after the Whitsuntide holidayi has been a fairly cheerful one, and in spite of the unsettled outlook in many foreign countries,......

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v.b.c. • Although the final dividend of Venezuelan Oil Concessions for the past year was 10 per cent., agairist 121 per cent., the market had looked for the reduction, and......

-* * -* — . On. Dividends.

During the past *reek, the Royal;Dulehand Shell Transport and Trading Companies announced their dividends for 1933. As anticipated they dhow no change from a.. year ago; the......