25 NOVEMBER 1854, page 13

Itttru To Of Eititor.

THE HIGHLAND REGIMENTS. Glasgow, 20th November 1854. SIR—While for the greater part of half-a-century the strife of war in Eu- rope had been hushed, and its tidings reached us......

The Blue-coat School.

TEE late events in the school of Christ's Hospital call for a prompt and. searching inquiry into the, state of that great public founda- tion., Of all our public free schools it......

Appointment Of Judges In The Colonies.

JUSTICE is a thing so precious that it ought to be maintained even in a colony ; but can justice be maintained if it be adulterated at the very source of justice—if, in fact,......

Lady Franklin:

Ian' Fn.8. - sxmra, we understand, contemplates the renewal of a task which it would be a disgrace to the country to leave to her. Already the country and its official......

The Powys And Official Charities.

PgopLE are withholding their subscriptions from the Patriotic Fund, it seems, on the supposition that it is capriciously adminis- tered. Here is a character earned by a......