25 NOVEMBER 1865, page 3

The Reductions In The French Army Are Much Less Than

was supposed. It was believed that, in the corps selected, officers and men were to disappear together, but it appears that the men are to be absorbed in other battalions, and......

The Directors Of The Bank Of England, Owing To The

favourable statement issued on Thursday, have reduced their minimum rate of discount to 6 per cent. In the open market the lowest price for money is 51 per cent. The supply of......

Has Anybody Examined That Case Of John Naylor, Reported In

Friday's Times? According to the statement, he was baptized -at Welney, in Norfolk, and appeared from the register to have been 117 years old at his death, on October 30 of this......

It Is Announced That The Agra And Masterman's Bank Will

re- ceive subscriptions in London for the new Austrian loan of 90,000,000 florins, which has recently been arranged at Paris through the Comptoir d'Escompte and the Austrian......

The New Zealand Bishops Have Memorialized The Crown To Be

allowed to surrender their letters patent from the Crown, and " to be allowed to rely in the future on the powers inherent in their office for perpetuating the succession of......

The Closing Prices Of The Leading British Railways...

on Friday week were as follows :— FrPlay, Nov. 17. Friday, Nov.24. Caledonian .. Great Eastern Great Northern .. Great Western.. Do. West Midland, Oxford Lancashire and......

The Cattle Plague Returns Are Not Yet Diminishing, Indeed...

increasing, but this may only mean that the -returns are more adequate, not that the cases are more numerous. The seizures reported are— Week ended 4th of November 1,765 „ 11th......

Our Able Correspondent In New York Has More Than Once

corrected us with some severity for believing that slavery is not practically abolished, and that President Johnson is not doing his duty in insisting on something more than......

On Saturday Last Consols Left Off At 891, For Money,

and 88 ex. div. for account. Yesterday the closing prices were :—For money, 891, 1 ; for time, 881, 1.......

A Story Comes To England From Delhi About The Flak

of an English girl of fourteen to the chief of Bhatwa, a State in Katty- war. The girl, it is said, was purchased from her parents for 3001., married to the chief, a man of......

The Negotiations For A Commercial Treaty Between Austria...

appear to have been again suspended. The difficulty seems to be that the statesmen of Vienna, though aware that free trade would benefit Austria, want something to show their......

The Leading Foreign Securities Left Off At The Following...

yesterday and on Friday week :— Greek Do. Coupons .. Mexican .. Spanish Passive • • .. Do. Certificates Turkish 6 per Cents., 1858.. 1882.. „ Consolidds.. Friday, ' ' • Nov.17.......

The Total Number Of Members-in The Hungarian Diet Is, It

is said, 377, or, with the representatives of Transylvania, if they attend, 446. Of these it is believed that Desk will, excluding the Transylvanians, secure at least 215, or a......

The Recent Elections In The United States Have Resulted...

in the disappearance of the democratic party. Even New Jersey has voted by a majority of 2,500 for the republicans. In New York the democratic and famous General Slocum--one of......

Captain Wirz, The Governor Of The Horrible Place Called A

prison at Andersonville, has been hanged. His death will probably be the last of the executions, none of which have yet been poli- tical.......