26 AUGUST 1916, page 11

"the Sailors' Day."

[To THE EDITOR 07 TEl " SPROTATOR.") ErIR, — Will you kindly permit me to make an appeal to the people of our Empire for their generous practical recognition of the invaluable......

The Work Of Educated Women After The War. Go Will

EDITOR 07 T111 " SPEOTIT071.1 Stm — In view of the anxiety which is being felt in many quarters about the position of educated women after the war, who have been temporarily......

Queen Alexandra's Field Force Fund. [to The Editor Or Rug

"Srseraromn &R, —Queen Alexandra's Field Force Fund is now making preparation to continuo its work of forwarding comforts to the troops overseas during the coming winter. The......

Abrar Am Lincoln.

(To rus Eorroz OD WEI " 8rEcTATos." 513, — Lord Cromer, in his masterly sketch of the character of Abraham Lincoln in the Spectator of August 19th, says that " his manner',......

The Married State.

(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPROTATOR.1 Sra,—In your issue of the 19th inst. there is on page 218 an advertise- ment for a Vice-Principal for St. Andrew's College, University of......

[to The Editor 07 The " Spectator.")

Snr.,—In your article "Speed the Plough" of August 19th you say, agricultural experts tell us that if England were properly farmed we could be nearly self-supporting, and you......

On Consulting The Dictionary.

(To THE EDITOR OF T " SPECTATOR:1 Slit, — The most remarkable definition I have come across was in volume published a few years ago. I quote it from memory, so may not give the......

The British Academy.

[TO Till EDITOR OF THE SPROTATO SIE, — The President and Council of the British Academy would be much obliged if you would kindly find place for the enclosed notioe.— CROMER......