26 DECEMBER 1941, page 9

Marginal Comment

By HAROLD NICOLSON S OME weeks ago I deplored the fact that most of the inhabi- tants of the British Isles are wholly ignorant of the history, institutions and culture of the......

How Far More Sensible, How Far More True, It Would

be to admit that each of us has acquired Empire by very similar means. How far more interesting it would be, now that the frontiers have been reached, scientifically to compare......

Once We Are Agreed That The Record Of The American

and British Empires is marred by identical faults and follies, we can permit ourselves to notice, without self-righteousness, that it is also re- deemed by identical virtues.......

The Americans, On Their Side, Still Fail, Owing To...

education on the subject, to realise that the relations between the several States of the British Commonwealth are governed by what is a new and daring experiment in federalism,......

How Valuable It Would Be If Some American Body, Such

as the National Education Association or the National Council of Educa- tion, were to consider at one of its meetings whether the picture of the British Empire . conveyed under......