26 DECEMBER 1947, page 13

In My Garden Perhaps A Garden Pergola Is Most Comely,

and certainly most tidy, if it is restricted to one type of plant, like the white wistaria at Gravetye ; but it is most amusing to indulge in a wide variety. A climber that can......

Sky At Christmas

AND did the stars fling down their spears And did Orion hold his breath, With gold illuminated tears, When looking down on Nazareth? Arcturus and Aldebaran, Cassiopeia and the......

Year - End Flowers Among Christmas Flowers, Which Seem...

to include the Mermaid briar, best of all the climbing roses, one humble specimen is worth the fond attention of those who enjoy cut flowers. It is nearly always possible, even......

Returning Vines It Is An Established Cause Of Wonder Why

the grape-vine has disappeared from England as an out-of-door plant. Michael Drayton and Shakespeare and scores of writers into the eighteenth century allude to English......

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Country Life

No month in the year has been more unfairly treated by the poets and rhymesters than December. Shakespeare (though he gives it the more or less endearing epithet "old ")......

Adam Zero, Revived On December T6th At Covent Garden, Is

a would-be philosophical ballet descending in a direct line from Les Presages. It is a form of ballet favoured at the moment in France, it seems, unless the Ballets des Champs......