26 DECEMBER 1947, page 22


THERE are six contemporary English novelists whose books I always order in advance, because I know that I shall be able to read them again and again. They are Miss Elizabeth......

Shorter Notices

The Day Before Yesterday. By R. A. Scott-James. (Muller. 10s. 6d.) The Day Before Yesterday consists of editorials written by Mr. Scott-James for The London Merc14, and covers......

I'll Cook For You. By Georges Kaftal. (harvill Press. 7s.

6d.) THIS excellent book on how to make the best of rations should prove a godsend to those thousands of amateurs who have been forced by circumstances to become cooks. So......

English Book Illustration, 1800 - 1900. By Philip James....

Penguin Books. 2s.) HERE is the social and spiritual history of the nineteenth century, illustrated and laid before our eyes. The century started with Bewick and Blake, one......

Marlborough : His Life And Times. By The Rt. Hon.

Winston S. Churchill. (Harrap. 2 Vols. 50s. the set.) WHEN MT. Churchill's great work on his most illustrious ancestor first appeared fourteen years ago, The Spectator said of......