26 JANUARY 1867, page 3

We Have Received A Long And Able Letter From Mr.

W. Sanders, a Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford, for which we regret that we have no space, against our advocacy of Sir Francis Doyle's candi- dature for the Chair of Poetry at......

The Consol Market, In The Early Part Of The Week,

chiefly through heavy withdrawals from the Bank of England, ruled heavy, and the quotation fell to 904, f, both for money and time. Since then, however, there has been more......

The Sensation Artists Are Already At Work On The Regent's

Park tragedy. The following advertisement appeared in Thursday's Times :—" The Ice Tragedy.—Those who were immersed, and those who took an active part in saving life, are......

The Atlantic Telegraph Has Been Silent Since Monday, In Con-

sequence of a great snow-storm which broke a land cable on the American side, but the Atlantic Cable itself is uninjured. We wish that its silence were less unimportant. People......

The Closing Prices Of The Leading Foreign Securities...

on Friday week are subjoined :— Friday, Jan. 18. Friday, Jan. 25. Mexican 11 171 Spanish Passive .. 211 22 Do. Certificates .. 143 141 Turkish 6 per Cents., 1858 .. 57} 57......

The Leading British Railways Left Off At The Annexed...

yesterday and on Friday week :— Great Eastern .. Great Northern .. „ •• Friday, Jan. 13. 35 122 Friday, Jan 25. 241 • 121} Great Western.. 611 • 85 Lancashire and Yorkshire .......

The Prophets This Month Have Been Singularly Unhappy...

weather. We have seen three weather prophecies for January, each of them without an indication of any severe or unusual frost. Zadkiel, who professes to guide himself by the......


Mr. Hamilton Hume, The Impetuous Secretary To The Eyre...

Committee, has rather come to grief in a correspondence with the solicitors of the Jamaica Committee, Messrs. Shaen and Roscoe. Mr. Hume, in his advertisements for pecuniary......

The Regent's Park Catastrophe Seems To Have Been A Sort

of signal for persons who Were not, but might have been, drowned, to abscond. In at least eight or nine cases there have been dis- appearances by persons either benevolently......