26 JANUARY 1991, page 23

. . . Pay As You Earn

I AM in the Hogg camp. I cannot think that boards or shareholders do themselves any good in turning their backs on reality. Facing it may well be, as it was at Courtaulds, the......

Blast Of Last Resort

ROBIN LEIGH-PEMBERTON, Gov- ernor of the Bank of England, is an amenable chap and an admirable public speaker. So people keep asking him to make speeches and he keeps saying......


THE bankers of Lombard Street complain at the use of 'Lombard' as an acronym. It stands for that familiar City type, the well-heeled chump — Loads of Money But A Right Deadhead.......

Hogg On Dividends . . .

WHEN Sir Christopher Hogg became chairman of Courtaulds, he took the axe to it. I watched the numbers come over the tape: £100 million write-offs, seven major plants shut, the......

City And Suburban

The City's cheery champagne generals are softened up by carpet bombing CHRISTOPHER FILDES T he City is full of champagne-bar generals, and some bizarre ideas have lodged under......