26 JULY 1946, page 4

The Methodists Seem To Me To Be A Little Unduly

disturbed because the B.B.C. and the Press gave prominence to an assertion made at the Methodist Conference that " the Methodist Church is slowly dying out ; in ten years we are......

A Spectator's Notebook I Can Only Draw A Very Tentative...

here about the by-elections, for the reason that North Battersea, which may be the best indicator of the three, is only just beginning to poll as this is written. Pontypool......

I Am Glad That Mr. Ashley Courtenay, Who Confers Benefits

on holiday-making humanity by recommending hotels to it, has got out a 1946 edition of his quite invaluable travellers' guide Let's Halt Awhile. (To save stamps and trouble, let......

If Mr. Bevin Can Really Get Rid Of Passports And

visas he will reap much gratitude, but I doubt whether it is wise to be too precipitate. In a completely unsettled Continent, where many countries are extremely anxioks, for......

A Much More Expert Appreciation Of Sir Alan Herbert's...

" Big Ben " than I am capable of appears (I believe) in another column. Here I only submit one comment. My enjoyment of the show was great, but it would have been greater if I......

Some Appointments, Ecclesiastical And Otherwise, Are...

interesting. The acceptance of a canonry at Westminster and the Rectorship of St. Margaret's by Canon Charles Smyth, of Corpus, Cambridge, is of the latter order, for Canon......

The Problematic Peace

T H E Peace Conference that meets next week in Paris will differ fundamentally from its historic predecessor of 1919. Then peace was concluded with Germany alone (for the treaty......

No Other Member Of The House Of Commons—i Think This

can be said without exception—would be universally mourned as -Mr. Maxton. To call him that, incidentally, is a mere concession to convention ; no one ever spoke of him as......