26 MARCH 1870, page 14

The Broad-church.

[TO THE EDITOR OF TILE "SPECTATOR."] Anglicanus " inquires very courteously who is the mem- ber of the Broad-Church party described by me in a recent artide- in Fraser's......

Letters To The Editor.

THE "RELIGIOUS DIFFICULTY" AND THE EDUCATION BILL. [TO THE Eorroa OF THE "SPECTATOR?] SIR,—The Government having expressed their willingness to place such restrictions upon the......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator."] Sie,—the Provisions...

Education Bill with regard to religious teaching seem to be based on the assumption that the (so-called) Conscience-Clause which it contains is a sufficient protection to the......

The Bishop Of Peterborough And Mr. Lioly0a 11 F.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—Could you grant me the space of a very few words to state one or two points of secular misunderstanding in reference to the Education......