26 NOVEMBER 1948, page 20

Country Life Minn Old Diarists (whose Nature Calendars...

in some editions of White's Selborne) would have run out of paper this year.. They found a few "indications oUspring " in November ; but -no evidence that cab compare in bulk......

The Invincible Dowser

Some architects, one of them tells me, still find a use for water diviners, and believe in their mystic art. The scientists, on the other hand, utterly condemn the belief, and......

A Free Nations Pact

Sfit,—Your leading article on The Widening Pact makes the case, and a conclusive case, for A ." defence group, conforming fully with the provi- sions of the Charter; which by......

Loyalties In Malaya

Sta,—Lord Mancroft not unjustifiably accuses the Chinese in Malaya of maintaining too close a contact with China. But what about ,the British in Malaya? Do not their......

Government English

Sitt,—The latest Report to the Nation maintains the Government's un- broken record of illiteracy. Under the heading: "See how Positioning helps Productivity" there is a picture......

Log Literature

Some reader or other of The Spectator always knows the answer to a query: so it has proved with regard to the doggerel lines on "logs to burn." The best version appeared in......

What Is Dutch Like ?

Sm,—In his anxiety to make fun of the Dutch language your correspon- dent, Mr. G. Griffith, seems to have rushed in rather precipitately. Shakes- peare wrote " spirit " not......

Three Voices

Sta,—Last week Janus praised a railway sandwich, and The Observer attributed this remark to Mr. Wilson Harris. This confusion will be deplored by many readers of The Spectator,......

Neglected Peat A More Or Less New Sort Of Land

reclamation'is,being urged on °us by the Danes who, front necessity during the war, burnt peat in place of coal. One Danish lecturer (quoted in the Estates Magazine) alleges......

Why Not A Subscription A To "the -spectator"?

L YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT. 52 weeks. Subscription rates tor Gt. Britain and Over- £ s. d. seas by ordinary mail ... 1 10 0 Air Mail to Members of the Forces in any part of the World......

Some Gardeners Have Devoted Years, Amounting Sornetimei...

lifetime, to adding qualities to a particular flower. 'The 'water lily, for example, owes everything to one Frenchman working on the most humble scale. Mr. Russell has recently......

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