26 OCTOBER 1962, page 10

Waiting For Gaitskell

Harder-headed Tory strategists believe that electorally the country is now back to the pre- Orpington situation. The Opposition's 5 per cent. lead, according to the polls, seems......

World, Flesh And Devil

Mr. A. J. P. Taylor is a man of many parts, respected in some quarters for his scholarship just as much as he is marvelled at in others for his journalism, which is every bit as......

Charlie And Elizabeth Are My Darlings

Together with Encounter and Socialist Com- mentary, my favourite monthly reading is Royinform, the bulletin of the Royal Stuart Society. Without it I should have quite forgotten......

Spectator's Notebook

T HE pollsters have been recording a large swing in favour of Britain's going into the European Economic Community. No surprise here: this is the expected result of the sharp......

What The Sophisticated Butler Saw

By the standards of today's puritanism Laurence Sterne was a dirty old man. You must recall that chapter-ending in A Sentimenta l Journey when the file de chambre shows the......