27 APRIL 1839, page 5

Debatts Anb Vrocetbinns In Vraliament.

GOVERNMENT OF JAMAICA. In the House of Commons, on Monday, Mr. LABOUCIIERE moved the order of time day, for the second reading of the Jamaica Government Bill. He proposed that......

Zbe (court.

TEE Queen and the Dutchess of Kent attended divine service on Sun- day, in the Chapel Royal, St. James's. Lady Flora Hastings accom- panied the Dutchess of Kent. Her Majesty......

The Anti-slavery Delegates From Various Parts Of The...

a meeting at Exeter Hall on the 18th instant, and established a new as- sociation, to be called the " British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society," for the " universal extinction......

At The Mansionhouse, On Wednesday, Mr. Bradfield Informed...

Mayor, that a petition had been placed in Mr. Leader's hands to be presented to the House of Commons, praying for the abolition of the tax of one shilling and a penny per ton,......

Zbe Afittropolis.

The Court of Common Council held a meeting on Monday ;hen that part of the Report of the Committee on time m Corpo- ration Refor of the which recommended a reduction of the......