27 FEBRUARY 1858, page 9

At Anmen, Sixty-five Miles West Of Calpee, (date...

H. Tom- tile 534 Re g iment-B engal N.I., the youngistson of Francesand the late Captain Tomkinsom..of ,the Royal Navy. He was ,with detachment of his re g i- ment at Arai, in......

Naval - Promotions Of 'china. The Admiralty, In A Gazette...

ni g ht, annOunces that, in consider- ation of the se r Vices mentioned in the despatches from Canton, the followin g pr6- motion,: hav,etsiken place. To be-......


)1.1,Ams, of a dau g hter. • On the 17th, at St. •Leonardo-on-Sea, the Wife Of Rear-Admiral Bethune, of a On the 111th, in Eaton Place West, Lady Elizabeth. Bussell, eta son. Op......


OnAhe 15th February, at the. British Coagulat e , Bayonne, Clement T. Sneyd liSnitcrAcY,Esft..; of 14 4 1ey Park, Staffordshire. in Ellen, datighter of the late J. Mallaby, Es......


The expectation that Lord Derby would last ni g ht make a statement lire* fitlattkitiltinibetitt'Peera'afirIbtlifte ate:Hettat bl Mitts ;• but the sittin g occupied only......


-. The week has, of course, been prolific of gossip arising out of the Ministerial crisis. It has been stated that Lord Derby, on accepting the task ef forming a Government,......