27 JANUARY 1967, page 14

Miser Catulle

SIR,—I was fascinated by Mr Quintin Hogg's review of the latest translation of his favourite Catullus, and I certainly agree with him that the rendering he quotes of the odi et......

Sir.—mr Hogg Says (january 20) That Catullus 'can Only Be

treated effectively by the use of classical English verse forms and rhyme, in other words, the whole traditional box of tricks.' It may be that when Mr Hogg makes public the......

The Pursuit Of Truth

SIR,—Readers of the review by Dr J. H. Plumb in your issue of January 13 of The Enlightenment: An Interpretation; the Rise of Modern Paganism, by Peter Gay, published in the......

Down With Effie

SIR,—In his article 'Down with Effie' (January 20), Dr Roy Strong says that Ruskin was 'usefully declared impotent' to facilitate the annulment of his marriage, but recent......

Sta,—in His Interesting 'vietnam Diary' (spectator,...

cites Da Nang as 'the place from which the majority of the air attacks are launched against the North.' This is incorrect. I was told on good authority while I was recently in......

Sir,—as A Layman, I Respectfully Agree With Dr Roy Strong

that 'everything was all right [with Millais] until that woman came along'—i.e., until about 1856. Some of the later pictures are indeed as nasty and repellent as some of the......

How To Choose Your Psychiatrist Sir.—the Essential...

consumer guide are that it should be accurate and objective. In so far as it concerns psychoanalysis, John Rowan Wilson's 'How to Choose Your Psychiatrist' (January 20) is......

Sir,—malcolm Rutherford States In His 'vietnam Diary'...

is less populated than the South. I bad always understood that the position was exactly the reverse and that this fact explained the reluctance of the South Vietnamese (and the......

Music By The Sea

SIR,—I am writing a study of the orchestras at the spas and seaside places and I should be glad if any of your readers who have information, old programmes or personal memories......

Sta.—dr Roy Strong's Article On The Millais Ex- Hibition At

the Royal Academy is a curious blend of art criticism and prejudiced misogyny. It is a great pity that he should apportion blame in such slapdash terms, particularly as the real......

Sunday Papers Sir,—randolph Churchill Pronounces With...

'the Sunday Times, which is certainly the best Sunday newspaper in the world.' This, following closely the award by the Granada television programme, What the Papers Say, to the......