27 JUNE 1835, page 2

Tile State Trials In Paris Are Proceeding Slowly, And Excite

but little attention. Indeed, this week, they are scarcely noticed in the meagre correspondence of the daily papers. C President of the Council ; and Minister of Foreign......

News Of The Week.

THE hostility of the Tories to the more important provisions of the Corporation Reform Bill, was fully developed during the early THE hostility of the Tories to the more......

The Russians Are Said To Be Assembling A Large Force

on the hanks of the Black Sea, and unusual activity is visible in all their ports. The fleet at Sebastopol is ready for sea, armed and equipped. The object of all this......

Drbatr1 At,zt Praccainip$ In Pittliantrnt.

0. CORPORATION REFORM. Petitions were presented in the House of Commons, on Monday, in favour of the Bill to regulate Municipal Corporations; and several Members gave notice......