27 MAY 1837, page 17

Progress Of Publication.

THE tide of publication is again flowing, and a pile of booke,bas accumulated on our table; some of which will require a fuller notice than we can yet give—some may be dismissed......

Stephens On The Greek Expletive Particles.

THIS little treatise appears calculated to be practically useful to the student of Greek. The author has selected for elucidation the particles which are in that language used......

Of Poetry, We Really Believe That We Have More Before

us than Rome herself left behind her. First of all comes Byron's Works, Complete in One Volume ; which is another of Mr. MURRAY'S bold and therefore safe speculations. It......

We Turn To The Miscellaneous Class.

Goldsmith's History of England, by Bri.t.eltsmucas, contains in four neat pocket Volumes, a reprint of the original abridgment, which occu- pies two volumes. The other two are......

Colburn S Opinions Of Lord Brougham.

Tuts volume contains a selection from the multifarious writings and speeches of Lord BROUGHAM, on a multifarious variety of subjects,—as criticism, chemistry, political economy,......