27 MAY 1871, page 13

The Permissive Bill.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 think you have, unwittingly, done a large number of teetotallers an injustice in your last issue. It is true that the Permissive Bill owes its......

Letters To The Editor.

A FRENCH PRETENDER. [TO THE Eprros OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sm,—Having read the article in your columns of the 20th inst. headed "The Chances of the Comte de Chambord," and as there......

A Rt.

THE ROYAL ACADEMY. THE first impression produced on entering the galleries of the Royal Academy is a pleasurable one, as of rooms well and even sumptuously furnished. The second......

Mr. Hughes And Mr. Baldwin Brown On The State Church.

[To rim Roam or TEE "SrEarAroa.1 read with very great interest the letter from Mr. Thomas Hughes on American ecclesiastical affairs which appeared in your last number. Of course......