27 NOVEMBER 1915, page 13

Lincoln's Finance Of War.

/7'0 TUN EDITOR OF Ting "SPZOTAT01.1 Sin,—Would you permit a short note on the finance of war— a note not suggesting any scheme, but merely to attract thinkers at a time of......


[To THE EDITOR OF TUE "SPECTAFOR.") Silt,—We are all making the most of our blue cards. If we could honestly assure single men and married alike that what can be done to assure......

Temperance Reform.

IT° Tn. EDITOR OF THE " BPECTATOE:"1 SIR, —As one who has devoted the greater part of his life to the promotion of temperance reform, may I be permitted to thank you for......

Elementary Economy.

The EDITOlt OP vas "SPECTATOR."] Sra,—How to deal with the lean years coming upon us, and to cheek the extravagance and waste now and for many years prevalent in all classes, is......