27 SEPTEMBER 1957, page 15

Identifying The Prisoner

SIR,—Mr. Mursell's questions are answered seriatim: 1. The law certainly forbids identification parades as these constitute a breach of the principle that the prisoner shall not......

The German Ambassador

SIR,—As I was abroad attending a conference on the Atlantic Community, I was unable to reply immedi- ately to the comments in the Spectator of September 6 and September 13 on my......

Priestley And I'infold

Sts,—Mr. Priestley's article in the New Statesman . n . bega justifiably, by approaching Pinfold's ordeal from a Jungian standpoint, This is at present a wide- spread method of......

The Liberals And Suez .

SIR,—ln last week's Spectator Pharos suggests that 'a gulf' exists between Mr. Jo Grimond and myself on 'the Suez fiasco.' In the Carmarthen by-election, writes Pharos, 'the......

G. L. Stampa

SIR,—As my use of the word 'roué' to describe the late G. L. Stampa has caused his descendants distress, I gladly apologise. When I wrote the description of him, which continued......

Letters To The Editor

Cyprus The German Ambassador The Liberals and Suez I dentifying the Prisoner G. L. Stampa 'Murder' Priestley and Pinfold Ric hard P assports The Last Trump Cri de Crevecceur......

Sut,—perhaps One Should Not Take Mr. Evelyn Waugh Too...

one does not need to be a psychiatrist to be convinced that he is aware of his own limi- tations, which is as it should be. But he goes rather too far in implying (without......



SIR,—'Child Murders and the Press' is your head- ing over a letter in last week's issue. How do you know they were murders? According to the amend- ments of law of England and......