28 JULY 1832, page 14

Topics Of The Day.

A WORD OR TWO FOR ECONOMY. " Low, paltry, miserable, eandle.end - sparing, cheese-paring-preserving measures." WETHERELL ON HUIRE, I/GAHM, THE Standard of Wednesday had an......

The Church.

The lieterend II Burn, S.C.L. has been collated to the Prebendal Stall of Lien- gaallo, la the Collegiate Church of Brecon, void by the death of the Reverend D. B. Allem—Patron,......

• Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

BIRTHS. On the 12th inst., at Cassillis House. N.B., the Countess of CASSILLIS, of a son. On the 19th inst., the Lady of GEORGE SPERLING, Esq., of Baythorn Grove, in the county......

The Army.

Wan - Orrics, July 24.-18th Regt. of Foot : Lieut.-Gen. M. Lord Aylmer, K.C.B., from the 56th Foot, to be COI.. VICO the Earl of Donoughraore, deceased-56th Foot : Lieut.-Gen.......