28 JUNE 1946, page 15

The Ghost Of A Forest Weather Of This Kind Makes

one more than normally conscious of the trees. Wandering about along the southern ridge of the mid-Weald on the borders of Kent and Sussex, after reading some histories of the......

Country Life

Tim abundance of showers this summer has given us a greener green to the grass and the foliage of the trees, a deeper colour to the miniature chandeliers of honeysuckle in the......

Sir,—in This Week's Marginal Comment Mr. Harold Nicolson...

To pay such immense sums of money for tiny, unusable, frail, ugly and wholly meaningless objects seems to me to suggest a mind which is adhesive and small." The late Franklin D.......

Bread Or Beer?

Sin,—Licences for some 87o,000 tons of cereals for brewing and distilling go on, in spite of possible bread-rationing and the drastic cuts in feeding- stuffs for poultry, cattle......

Books For Austria

Sin,—There is inevitably a general shortage of recent books in English in the universities of Europe today, but it seems from recent evidence and my own observations that the......

Snt,—in Your Issue Dated June 21st Mr. Harold Nicolson...

one of the most singularly ill-informed commentaries that !I have ever read. Mr. Nicolson is entitled to feel enraged that philatelists should exist, just as I am entitled to......

Cuckoo Mushrooms

Another feature of the wet summer is the variety of fungi already sporing in field and hedge, and even on the disgusted gardener's lawn. Last week in the meadows of Oxford I......

Tribute To Baird

Sit,—The death of John Logic Baird means that we have lost perhaps the greatest, though certainly the least publicised, scientist of our time. It was a great disappointment to......

In My Garden

I gave some warning last week of impending disaster in the soft-fruit garden. The worst of my fears has been realised. The dreaded goose- berry mildew, having got a firm hold......