28 JUNE 2003, page 25

My Other Job Is Mp

From Mr Andrew Mullins Sir: The thought of putting duty to the state ahead of duty to family (Leading article, 21 June) reminds me of that parody of jingoism from Chariots of......

Repel All Boarders

From Mr E. S. Turner Sir: Andrew Roberts's protest against estate agents' boards (Diary, 21 June) is timely. Like the unnamed historian he mentions, I too have felled many of......

Critics Are Chairbound

From The Rt Hon The Lord Garel-Jones Sir: Under Lord Tebbit's logic (Letters, 21 June) the art correspondent of The Spectator should be exhibiting at the Tate, the opera......

The Jews In Germany

From Suzanne Lee Sir: The title of Andrew Gimson's piece ('Within the German pale', 21 June) was an unhappy one for those of us with long memories. I have just returned from a......

The Silence Of Space

From Alwyn Rea Sir: Paul Johnson (And another thing, 21 June) suspects that 'there is no such thing in our universe as total silence', but the most elementary research before......