28 MARCH 1835, page 19

The Words "fourth Edition" On The Titlepage Of An Historical

Epitome V the Old and New Testaments, and Part of the Apo- crypha, seem to show that the judicious selection, condensation, and marshalling of facts, and the pleasant manner of......

With A Bulky Volume As Big As A Family Bible,

containing Tails Magazine for the past twelve months in a collected shape, we have received the cheapest of Monthlies for the ensuing April; and have actually read the Diary of......

In Professor Wissos's Manual Of Universal History And...

we have the essence of a profound and accomplished scho- lar's knowledge, thrown off wiih that. wholeness of view and that distinct certainty of statement which result from a......

Pictures And Artists.

SOCIETY OF BRIT1SII ARTISTS, SUFFOLK STREET —CONCLUDED. MARTIN'S picture of " David sparing Saul in the Trench at Hachilah" (105), though an historical subject, is scenic in its......

The Book ,ihr The Million Forms The Third Volume Of

the " Library of Elementary Knowledee." It contains an English Grammar, a condensed view of Geography, and an abridgment of the History of England, with useful information on......