28 MARCH 1998, page 22

Freedom Of Speech

Sir: Much as I admire Jonathan Mirsky, I must challenge several things that he reported in his piece, 'China, the Times, and me' (21 March). Jonathan continues to assert that he......


Sir: While I wholeheartedly agree with David Wright on the vital importance of discussing the whingeing Pom issue (Let- ters, 14 March), surely Harold Evans's let- ter is proof......

Letters Off The Rails

Sir: I enjoy and profit from Christopher Fildes's column. Indeed, it alone justifies the cost of the subscription. Just lately, however, the time that I should be spending on......

Air Smiles

Sir: Joan collins (Diary, 21 March) does well to comment on the taste and expense of BA design. A further point might be made about their grossly mis-named Cus- tomer Service.......


Sir: We are the authors of the book The Liar, about Jonathan Aitken, which your columnist Stephen Glover attacks (Media studies, 21 March). He conducts quite a vendetta. Glover......