28 MAY 1932, page 18

"• Weep Not, Dorothy!"

[To the Editor of the SracraTos.] should be grateful if you would permit me to quote. for your readers, the correct text of a passage from the . epilogue to my book on Dorothy......

[to The Editor Of The Seim-mom] Sm.--the Man That Knocked

me down and was the cause of my right leg being amputated behaved with the most admirable sang-froid. I mean that he was neither cold-blooded, nor did his blood run cold. He......

The United Empire Loyalists

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sia,—May . be allowed to correct a slight misunderstanding of my text in your review of the above book, of slight impor- Unice on this side of......

The Numeral-words

[To 'the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I have been interested in your correspondents' letters commenting on the Numeral-Words; and find to my delight that some of the childish......

The " Commissioner Of Police ".

[To the Editor of the . Sri:Crayon.] Sin,—" We are asked by the Commissioner of the Police to broadcast the following." Lord Brentford may for five years have conferred with a "......

Topographical 1nexactitudes

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,--Surely the first essential in a " Travel " article is geographical accuracy, but your contributor of the article " Montserrat " is so......