28 MAY 1948, page 16

Sta,—i Am Surprised, Nay, Dismayed, That None Of Your...

correspon- dents expatiating on Resistentialism should have even mentioned the one and only begetter of the doctrine—I mean, of course, Friedrich Theodor Vischer, the German......

Bulk Buying

Sta,—Further proof of the folly of our Government's system of bulk- buying is shown in the recent report of the purchase of maize from the Argentine. Britain bought 1,200,000......

O.m.s. In The Mines

SIR,—In your first article last week, you stated that "less coal per manshift is being produced today than in 1938." The published statis- tics do not support this. In 1938 the......

"the General"

Snt,—By his review of C. S. Forester's book, The General, Robert Kee hopes to introduce new readers to this brilliant study of a Great War general. Surely no better commendation......

Friends Of Franco

- Sta,—Your footnote to Colonel Butler's letter, saying that "nearly every- body else" does not like General Franco, is unworthy of The Spectator. It is entirely untrue. I find......

The Health Act And Widows

Sts,—My attention has been drawn to a letter which appeared in your issue of May 14th under the heading "Widows under the Health Act." The writer must, I am afraid, have......

Moore And Michelangelo

SIR,—Out of kindness one tends nowadays to overlook the exaggerated language of journalist art critics. But, in fairness both to your readers and to Mr. Henry Moore, I think......

Mr. Wallace And Premier Stalin

StR,—In view of your editorial remarks that Marshal Stalin's letter "appears not to have been published," I would point out that it was published by Tass, but for some reason......

The New School Exam

Sra,—I am sorry that my opening sentences were not emphatic enough. I hoped that I had made it clear that I was not discussing the general merits of the new school examination,......

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A NEW AIR MAIL SERVICE Special air mail rates tor carrying printed papers to certain countries in the Western Hemisphere have recently been introduced. These permit the thin......