28 NOVEMBER 1903, page 24


HETTY WESLEY.* THE appearance of a novel from the pen of the admirable " Q" is always a welcome event, few of his contemporaries bringing to the task of authorship so rich or so......

Mr. Chamberlain's Fiscal Fallacies.* Whatever His...

him, they have rarely charged Mr. Chamberlain with lack of courage, and he never displayed that quality in a higher degree than in the publi- cation of these speeches. We are......

The Viscountess Norrnanhurst. By Edward H. Cooper. (grant...

book, as coming from the author of " Wye- marke's Mothcr," is a great disappointment. To speak frankly, it does not seem to be written for the same sort of people. The whole......

Verona's Father. By David Christie Murray. (chatto And...

Christie Murray always writes carefully and. well, but we must protest against the little deception which he practises on his readers in this book. The story deals with Colonel......