28 SEPTEMBER 1850, page 10

Her Majesty's Ship The North Star, Which Went Out To

the Arctic regions a year and a half ago, as a tender ship to the expedition of Sir James Clark Ross, in search of Sir John Franklin, unexpectedly arrived at Spithead at half......

The Deaths By The Wreck Of The Superb Were More

numerous then was at first believed. "Upon a comparison of the passenger-list of the vessel with the names of those saved, it has been ascertained that at least seventeen......

A Piece Of Californian Gold, After Having Been Exhibited For

its size at San Francisco, and lectured upon in the United States, has found a tem- porary resting-place at the shop of Mr. Limbird, in the Strand. The gold is embedded in the......

The Constitutionnel Announces That M. De Persigny Has...

for London on a special mission. It is thought that this mission has refer- ence to the Danish and Hessian questions. A meeting of the Piedmontese Bishops has taken place at......


SAI17RDAT. The Duke of Newcastle has been dangerously ill for several days past. The _Doncaster Gazette says- " The intimation of the circumstance has created but one feeling of......

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MONEY MARKET. • • STosic Escuswers, Faroxr ArraexooN. The fluctuations of the English Funds have been unimportant, andthe bu- , ' siness transacted insignificant. The variation......