29 DECEMBER 1900, page 1

After These Expiatory Conditions Follow Demands Of A More...

nature :—The importation of arms or materiel and their manufacture are to be prohibited. An equitable indemnity is to be paid to the States, societies, and individuals (and also......

We Cannot Say That We Feel Any Great Hope That

China will loyally accept and carry out these conditions. It is far more likely that, in spite of the conditions being declared to be irrevocable, she will try to negotiate, and......

News Of The Week.

T HE war news during the week has been meagre, but what there is is distinctly good. The Boer raiders into the Colony are not only meeting with no local support, but are finding......

At The Spanish Legation In Pekin On Christmas Eve (monday)

the Joint Note of the Powers was presented to Prince Ching, who accepted it, to be forwarded to the Emperor. Li Hung Chang, who is still ill, sent an apology for his absence.......

It Looks As If After All The Amnesty Bill Would

not succeed in covering up the remains of the Dreyfus case. On Thursday a letter from Captain Dreyfus to the French Prime Minister was published in Paris which threatens to......

* „,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In

any case.......